Diseño de branding, naming y storytelling para una marca 
entry label Argentina de exportación.  
Se buscaba que transmita tradición y rasgos autóctonos marcando su origen en 
la Cordillera de los Andes, Mendoza
Así, inspirados en una leyenda nació Malacara.
La familia de productos está compuesta por una línea de varietales y un blend tinto como producto emblema. 
Legend has it that on 3rd April 1884 in the Valley of the Martyrs, in Argentine Patagonia, a gaucho riding a white-faced horse called Malacara escaped the ambush of Pehuenche native Indians when he was hit by an arrow. According to legend, Malacara continued on his way and left the Indian attackers behind by jumping over a dangerous cliff that other horses dared not jump. He galloped day and night with his injured owner clinging to his mane. He crossed the high peaks of the Andes, crossed the fertile lands of  Valle de Uco, and finally returned him safely.
Malacara lived until 1909 and since then, in Patagonia, all the brave horses that carry a white spot on their face are given his name. A sturdy horse, loyal and direct, that was born in the same land as our wines, in a mythical valley where if you are silent, you can still hear the sound of Malacara galloping.
Argentine wines are versatile, powerful and with personality. Born from mixed grapes whose seeds were brought from Europe in the nineteenth century and cultivated in the province of Mendoza, one of the most favorable lands in the world for growing grapes. Original and diverse wines that are worth getting to know, taste and enjoy.

Malacara By Andes Wine

Malacara By Andes Wine
