Project Summary

Big hairy problem
24% of mortgage loans applications are denied. The #1 cause is bad debt-to-income ratios (DTIs). Can you believe that is nearly 1 in every 4 applicants?! We asked the question,“What if customers could prepare ahead of time, see what their lenders sees and understand what that means for them?

Magic I did​​​​​​​
As an experience design lead, I worked with my team to create BALANCE – a debt-to-income calculator for normal people who want to understand the ratio of their debt to their income so they can manage their finances more effectively and increase their ability to secure a loan.

Delightful results ​​​​​​​
Analytics indicate about 16,667 people used this tool monthly, with nearly a 80% completion rate. Over half of these visits are perspective customers.

This project is for illustrative purposes only. All information appearing in this work is fictitious. Any resemblance to real products or services is purely coincidental.
