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Many of the blood cancers, also known as hematologic cancers, begins in the bone marrow, where blood is made. Blood cancers develop when irregular blood cells begin to grow out of control and interrupting the function of normal blood cell activity, fighting off infection and creating new blood cells. Stem cells gets mature in the bone marrow of the person and turn into three types of blood cells which are red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets. In case of cancer, the cycle of blood development process is disrupted as an irregular form of blood cell develops. Leukemia, Lymphoma and Myeloma are all the distinct types.

The three of the main types of blood cancer known are leukemia, lymphoma and myeloma:

Leukemia is the cancer of blood which has originated in the blood and bone marrow of the person. It occurs when the body creates the too much of the irregular white blood cells and along with it interferes with the bone marrow’s ability in production of the red blood cells and platelets.

Non-Hodgkin lymphoma is also a type of the blood cancer that develops in the lymphatic system from cells which are termed as lymphocytes, a type of white blood cell that helps the body fight against many type of theinfections.

Hodgkin is a blood cancer that develops in the lymphatic system from cells called lymphocytes. Hodgkin lymphoma is characterized by the presence of an abnormal lymphocyte called the Reed-Sternberg cell.

Multiple myeloma is type of blood cancer that usually begins in the blood’s plasma cells now plasma cells are a type of white blood cell which is made in the bone marrow.
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Causes of the blood cancer :

Family history
Weak immune system
Certain infections
Fever, chills
Persistent fatigue, weakness
Loss of appetite, nausea
Unexplained weight loss
Night sweats
Bone/joint pain
Abdominal discomfort
Shortness of breath
Frequent infections
Itchy skin or skin rash
Swollen lymph nodes found in the regions of neck, underarms and groin

If you experience any type of the symptoms then you may contact your doctor regarding it until it becomes large enough.

Diagnosis of the blood cancer :

Complete blood count : It helps in the measurement of the amount of various types of blood cells that are present in the sample of the blood which is taken from the patient.

Blood protein testing : It helps in the examination of the proteins that are present in the blood sample.

Tumor marker test : They are the chemicals which is made by the tumor cells that are detected in the blood.

Circulating tumor blood test : It helps in the detection of the cells that have broken away from an original cancer site and are floating in the bloodstream.

Treatment of the blood cancer :

Stem cell transplantation: A stem cell transplant is the first thing you can go for which infuses th healthy blood-forming stem cells present into the body. Stem cells transplantation in which the stems cells needed are collected from the bone marrow, circulating blood and umbilical cord blood of the person.

Chemotherapy: Chemotherapy where there occurs the use anticancer drugs which interfere with and stop the growth of cancer cells in the body of the person. Chemotherapy in case of the  blood cancer can sometimes involves giving several drugs together in a set regimen. This treatment may also be given before performing the stem cell transplant.

Radiation therapy: Radiation therapy where there occurs the usage of the X-rays, etc. to destroy cancer cells or to relieve pain and any type of the discomfort. It may also be given before the occurrence of the stem cell transplant.

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Conclusion : So here were the causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of the blood cancer. The symptoms of the blood cancer are loss of appetite, nausea, headache, shortness of breath, etc. if any one is pursuing any type of the symptoms then they should consult their doctor for it so diagnosis can be started and then treatment can be done so it can be treated in the early stage until it becomes large enough and more dreadful. So stay safe and stay healthy.


