JIAK HAMI which means "eat what?" in Hokkien is a collection of short stories from hawkers in Penang.This project aims to preserve and archive the heritage of Penang's Hawker Culture that is only unique to this little "Pearl of the Orient". This project hits close to heart as I am from Penang and the hawker culture in Penang is a big part 
of our identity.
There is a total of 6 books in the series 01 of Jiak Hami. Each book tells the stories of the hawkers' lifelong craft of their food and their journey in making their heritage on a plate. 
The content is written in a conversational style so it is easily digestible as well as to portray the language of Penang colloquially. 
A teaser was also made to accompany the book as part of the book's promotion.
Have a peek into the first book! 
Hope you enjoy series 01 and look forward to more of these!

