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Philanthropy Center in Belgrade

Drawing/ view of the building in Dobračina after the intervention- chaotic nature of the project represented in the drawing. Will merging two completely different programs result in conflict?
The late 19th century building in Dobračina street in Belgrade was chosen by mentors as a location for our Master project. One of the main assignments was to explore eco-conscious design and space planning.What role architecture has in the pursuit of preserving our environment?
Exploring the questions of technology, social relations and accessibility seemed as a right path to, at one point, reach the question of the environment.
Important process for me, at the beginning of exploring the assigned location, was to examine the accessibility of surrounding buildings. How open are they? Are they private, semi-private or public/accessible to all?
Patrik Schumaher, the late Zaha Hadid partner in practice, and now the head of Zaha Hadid Architects once said that he would privatise everything, and pave over Hyde Park. The horrifying quote is a reminder for us to engage and question architecture from the social and political point of view. We should never forget that architectural studios like other businesses in the capitalist system, are aiming to earn money and create profit.
 In the vicinity of the project building is the National Theathre, National Museum, art galleries, and the main city square which was recently renovated in a minimalistic manner. Located on the top of Dobračina street is hi-tech, contemporary building called INFINITY with curved glass facade which initiated questions of technology and its influence on the process of thinking about design and its progressive or oppressive outcomes. Fluid forms translated from computer programs to physical objects could be understood as mere experiments of latest technology supported by big capital. Architect Alvar Alto once said that The talent of imagining human situations is more important for an architect than the gift of fantasizing spaces
The vacinity of INFINITY to the Master project building made it impossible not to think about the neoliberal approach to architecture which manifest itself in ''organic contours which carefully hide the structures of support. not to mention the human labour and political power that actually builds.'' (Douglas Spencer)

INFINITY building. Exclusive, technology driven design

The other side of Belgrade is represented in accesible to all places like, for an example Magacin art space which is organized by the users themselves.
I wanted to show both sides of Belgrade in one project by merging different, conflicting programs.
At first, the idea was to merge a shopping mall with a scientific, voluntary based organization, which was unfortunately not possible due to the size of the assigned building. Dual nature of the program was then created by implementing a Philanthropic Center and Multifunctional art/educational space in one building.
The basement and ground floor are open to the public, and organized by the users themselves. Multifunctional art space is governed by the users who will determine its destiny- will it destroy itself without a stricly determined set of rules? Or will it flourish, free of hierarchy based governing structure? Suddenly, an architectural project transformed to an imagined social experiment.
Basement plan- The stage (red color), which can be used for lectures, concerts and parties is located in the basement which has two levels . Multifunctional space
Incresent disorder or entropy can be used to define the design of the interior of lover floors, manifested in communications and materials which are not positioned orthogonally or, in some part, not even functional. Purposefully designing ''mistakes'' is a way to create a pleasant and relaxed environment mirroring the flawed nature of humans in general. Disorder erases the sense of exclusivity and entitlement, and increases spatial empathy.

Ground floor plan: ground floor is the division between the self organized, open multifunctional space in the basement, and the exclusive philanthropic organization on the top floors. 
Two top floors are organized as exclusive business offices, with meeting rooms, separate offices and dining and resting places. Unlike the basement and ground floor which are multifunctional, the program of top floors is predetermined and designed as headquarters for a Philantropic organization.
The Philantropic organization  is based on existing humanitarian organizations founded by royalty or famous individuals. It's a place of conflict, strict rules, micromanagment and questionable motives
1st floor plan: meeting rooms and caffe for the workers of the Philanthropic Center. Staircase leading to the 1st and 2nd floor is positioned outside the building, further distancing the free for use lower floors from the exclusive top floors.
 I learned by reading  Ismael Serageldin’s Book Architecture of Empoverment that there are many examples of community based philanthropic activities which are often overlooked and not given enough attention. The Philanthropic Center in my project is an opposite of a community based humanitarian work, contrasted with a community driven space in the basement. Two different organizations placed in one building could destroy themselves, or create an environment of mutuality, learning from each others practices.
2nd floor plan: offices and meeting rooms two separate balconies
Intersection 1- unpredictable communications further separating the community in the ground floors,from the exclusive Center on the top ones. Availability decreases as the visitor moves up.
Intersection 2- will the revolution start in the open-for-all basement?
The windows on the ground floor are preservated from the original building. Transformation from the old windows to the new zinc roof is a manifestation of the disorder happening inside- entropy caused by the morphing of the self governing program to a pyramidal one.
Building viewed from the courtyard. 
The Philanthropy Center could only be finished by its users. It's more of a social experiment or an idea than an actual architectural project. The social dinamics between people of different ideologies and habits using the building at the same time create the the dinamics and program of the Center.
Top floor- exclusive working space. Advertising headquarters of the Philanthropy Center. 
Top floor- exclusive working space. Meghan and Harry used as mascots, visiting Advertising headquarters of the Filanthropy Center. Playful commentary on humanitarian organizatons based on celebrities or people with privilege.
Dining area for the workers of the Center. Moooi golden chairs, with GLASS Italia tables and custom made, empty violet shelves.
Multifunctional space in the basement governed by its users. It can be used for concerts, lectures, discussions, debates, educational gatherings, homeless shelter and more.
The Philanthropic Center in Belgrade is a architectural/social experimental project questioning the different ways of governing space, accessibility and human relations. The placement of two ideologically separate organizations with humanitarian programs in one building can result in conflict, mutual understanding, co-life, or the destruction of one, and flourishing of the other. Is co-life of conflicted ideologies even possible at this stage of humanity?

PROCESS/ drawings, concept design, architectural models and details

Steel architectural model/ representing the construction of the segment of the stairs connecting 1st and 2nd floor, outside of the building. The model was made in Magacin workshop, a space accessible to all, which served as an inspiration for program of the basement and ground floors of the project.
Light and shadow play- architectural model pictured at Magacin workshop. In the workshop I learned how to cut and weld steel and not depend on others.
concept drawings
Abstract representation of gradual disorder which was later mirrored in the program of the project.
Construction of the staircase connecting upper floors.
Concept model-  Visual statement against prevailing aesthetics in architecture that centers around beautiful drawings ,sun, stars and arch windows. 
Wax and nail polish
My heartfelt thanks to professor dr Milena Kordić and assistant Dejan Todorović for their support, advice, guidance and many productive conversations they had with me throughout the project.
Special thanks and shoutout  to HEKLER platform, for providing interesting and useful literature and sincere, inspiring conversations.

Philanthropy Center in Belgrade

Philanthropy Center in Belgrade

The Philanthropic Center in Belgrade is a architectural/social experimental project questioning the different ways of governing space, accessibil Read More
