A client asked me to design a poster for their new company launch. They gave me a photo of a persons head being massaged. the company logo and company name. The company colours are black and white and they wanted a poster which would be classy and clean and where the persons face couldn't be seen.
The finished poster is below, the client was very happy.
Image of a persons head being massaged which was sent to me by the client as they wanted the shape of this persons head, without the face.
This is the company logo which had to be included on the poster. The logo was designed by the client in an Ipad and given to me in this format. I used Adobe Illustrator to create a vectorised logo which I could use on the poster.
This is the company name. The client sent me this image to show me the style of font they wanted for the company name. As the client didn't know the name of the font, I chose another which closely matched this one.
Poster Design

Poster Design

Poster Design
