Brand: BMW
BMW wanted to advertise its pre-approved cars. The brief was simple. Make second-hand desirable.
I tried to dive into an insight that appealed to the joy of owning an experience, irrespective of whether you are the first or the hundred and first person to do it. 
Brand: Somany

How do you make a film on range without sounding like a sari salesman?
Well, I did it by writing a zillion drafts till finally the client approved this jingle! 

Sony Pitch
How do we put emotions in tech? Sony is known for their premium quality gadgets, be it, TV, cameras etc. but how do we take it beyond the functional benefits?
 A gadget is not just about great tech but also how we use it. 
For example, a camera means different things to different people. Some use it to click portraits and for some it's an escape into nature.
I wanted people to find their own connect with the gadgets and explore beyond what they see. 

Working on feminine brands is tough. The client have a pretty set format; problem-solution.
In my 3 years of working on Philips, I tried really hard to break it and this is what I could achieve. 




Creative Fields