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Spatial Communication Assignment

Assignment Spatial Communications 
1. I decided to sketch my workspace as it is very significant as it is where I perform and construct all my work.

2. The second sketch is my hat which I find very significant as I very much like hats and a very significant factor of my fashion.

3. This lamp is very significant because I am unable to sleep without lights and this help to have a good night sleep.

4. I sketched the speaker because I enjoy listening to music very loudly and the speaker serves for this purpose. 

5. The eye glasses is very significant as it allows myself to see. 

6. I find my phone quite significant as well because it provides enjoyment in many ways, provides information where needed and improves my daily recreational life and it is also a way to communicate with friends during the quarantine. 


Micro/Macro – The Giant Lamp
 Within my themes is comfort and I wanted to create a space in which depicts comfort, and during my exploration of my humble abode, what caught my eyes is the lamp which is a very significant object as I cannot sleep without lights and having inspiration of my room I used pillows and a scale of myself to depict that I am underneath the lamp, and I also added my fan and two paintings to add contents within the space and provide a sense of comfort whilst exploring the idea of Micro to Macro.

Macro/Micro – Say Hi to my neighbors
Using the ideas of the first post card, vice versa using large objects and scaling them down, utilizing the size of the door and the scaling down my own size and incorporating windows , I was able to create a space in which a little person lives within the walls of my house and my body language was used to show that I am interacting with my little neighbor.

Inside and Outside – The world within the camera
This composition is based on my personality and hobbies, as I enjoy taking photograph and utilizing my camera as the medium I was able to depict the idea of the Inside and outside, I wanted to create using an inside object and transitioning it to the outside, using my ruler as the bridge to this transition and a scale of myself to show the transition between the inside to the outside.

Outside and Inside – Going for a Walk
For this idea I wanted a medium from the inside and put it outside using my speaker as this medium and a painting I found within my house I was able to create a space of Outside and Inside, and using doors and windows of my house and a toy which I had stairs  I was able to recreate my speaker and make it seem like  a house and using my painting as my background for the outside, I was able to create this composition.

Tangible/Intangible – Heater
This idea was formulated from the weather this idea of the heater that gives warmth during the winter and using words to show and illustrate the intangible qualities to make it tangible and using images and collage to create an tangible effect of the heat produced by the heater.

Tangible/Intangible – speaker   
This idea was shaped from one of my classmates idea and using his perspective on music I was able to create tangible effect on the sands and used guitars to create an intangible effect on the sounds being created.

Welcome to the giant lamp where I spent most of my time during this quarantine, would you like to come and join me in my humble abode underneath the giant lamp, this special space is very comfortable it has painting to provide liveliness to my place, an electric fan so when you feel hot and want to have fresh air, this place is very cozy I cannot wait to invite you here.

Hope to hear from you soon!


Meet my new neighbor who just moved in last month, as you can see his quite the size and he decided to live within my walls, his personality is quite funny and grumpy but thats why his very charismatic despite his size, his door is the size from knee to my foot  and the window reaches from my chest, although I have not been invited inside yet, but that will be story for next time, he would be delighted to meet you and I would be so happy to introduce you to my little neigbour. 

Hope to see you soon!

So you will not believe what I have discovered within my room, a camera, but not just any camera, it is a special camera it contains a mysterious portal that leads to another world, I use this Ruler to cross the portal and the lens of camera as the portal of transportation to another world, this another world is very green and has full trees and golden sky, although I am scared to explore it alone  so when will you come? because I  cannot wait to explore it together. 

Hope to hear from you!



So when I went out the my humble dwelling, I realized that I do not have any shoes and forgot to wear it, but as you can see I have a very big home and wonderful place, it comes with a water full and beautiful mountain view and when the sun sets it is breathtaking, it is quite cold here because it is winter, but I would be so glad to have you over and spend time with you.

Hope you come soon 

It’s been a while since we have seen each other with all this quarantine going on, so I thought I would write to you, with all this quarantine happening I was able to discover some interesting objects that dwell within my humble abode. During this lockdown it is much more difficult especially along with the winter weather so with this reason I stumbled upon this idea of a heater emitting heat, which was very meaningful as I am not a winter person, I find the heater significant as it provides warmth within my house and reminds me with the warmth my family gives and the heater provides a cozy place during winter where I can just spend my time. I find it very interesting how such an object provides so many meaningful gifts, it envelopes and hugs us to keep us warm during winter as if it was alive and reachable, it allows us to see and appreciate those who surround us, and heat allows us to hear the sounds of warmth and laughter during winter, it amazes me the more I think about it.  With all that out of my chest what about you? How was your winter? Was my idea somewhat meaningful? Do you think I can improve it more? How does it make you feel? What are some meaningful objects can you find within your dwelling?
Can’t wait to hear from you!

Dear Dilhan,

Hey, I hope you are well during this isolation and winter weather, the postcard that I received was very meaningful and got me fascinated with the way you perceive music and got me thinking  at how you said that music can influence our actions and just like learning music can influence the way we learn which reminded me off how I was when I first held and started playing the guitar and your perception of music reminded of me how music can really influence oneself, and to answer your question music makes me feel joyful and makes me swirl and dance. And yes I also agree with the way you interpret music as a plant as it degrades away overtime.

Hope to hear from you soon.


Spatial Communication Assignment

Spatial Communication Assignment


Creative Fields