mean sounds's profile

xlii. uglyface w/ frequencycentral utility board

UGLYFACE. This disgusting sounding fuzzbox contains a frequency generator that reacts either to your picking, or in a cyclical pattern using the added LFO. In addition to the usual typical uglyface board that floats around the DIY boards (the bottom 4 knobs), I've built in the optional "utility" pcb by frequencycentral (the top 4 knobs). This includes the LFO, a tone control, and a mix knob.
Overall this pedal sounds like death, and it feeds a whole lot of noise into the ground even when bypassed, but it's pretty insane anyway.
Here we have the boards installed. I've become a really big fan of PCB-mount potentiometers. It saves so much wiring, it's insane. Also, you don't have to worry about how to secure the PCB within the box. The breakout boards for the 3PDT switches are also a nice treat.
One board in, nothing else quite yet.
Here's the design, without all those pesky knobs in the way. Thank you Google Image Search! God is watching you!
xlii. uglyface w/ frequencycentral utility board

xlii. uglyface w/ frequencycentral utility board

a brutal apocalyptic noisy fuzz
