Tyler Stewart's profile

Antiracism on Social Media

Anti-Racism Collection
Passion Project, Social Media, Design for a Cause, Illustration, Typography, Videography

As conversations about racism and justice surged in 2020, I began to ask how I could personally contribute. I quickly realized that though I had been slowly growing and learning about race, justice, and culture for years, most of my predominantly white community has had little experience discussing or learning about racism.

I decided to combine my ability to create and my passion for learning and challenging others to think differently to develop content that educates, challenges, and inspires others towards growth and change, taking into account that most of my social media audience is white Christians with little experience talking about race. As much as possible while hosting and platforming these conversations as a white man, I seek to listen to, follow, and amplify the voices of BIPOC leaders.

Everything designed & written by me (except when noted otherwise).
Check out more on Instagram @creativityler or my YouTube Channel.

Antiracism on Social Media

Antiracism on Social Media

A collection of work on antiracism and Black lives matter.
