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A Creative Approach for Designing Recipes Website

We are developing a bread recipe website for Sheldon's Bakery in Manchester, England ( The intention is to develop a recipe site which provides thousands of bread recipes and recipes made with bread. The domain name has been acquired for this project and the attached logo has been created.

Target Audience
We will target people who are interested in bread recipes and recipes that incorporate bread (e.g. sandwiches, bread pudding, casseroles, etc.). By delivering content that people are searching for, we will be able to highlight Sheldon's Bakery and therefore increase awareness of Sheldon's brand whilst building relationships with both existing and new customers. To market the site, we will connect with users via social media platforms including Facebook and Pinterest.

Design #1- First Approach
Design #2 - View it with different Header
A Creative Approach for Designing Recipes Website

A Creative Approach for Designing Recipes Website
