wunderkammerYanzhuZhou rendition image
wunderkammerYanzhuZhou rendition image
wunderkammerYanzhuZhou rendition image
wunderkammerYanzhuZhou rendition image
wunderkammerYanzhuZhou rendition image
wunderkammerYanzhuZhou rendition image
wunderkammerYanzhuZhou rendition image
wunderkammerYanzhuZhou rendition image
wunderkammerYanzhuZhou rendition image
wunderkammerYanzhuZhou rendition image
wunderkammerYanzhuZhou rendition image
wunderkammerYanzhuZhou rendition image
wunderkammerYanzhuZhou rendition image
wunderkammerYanzhuZhou rendition image
wunderkammerYanzhuZhou rendition image
wunderkammerYanzhuZhou rendition image


This project aims to explore the relationship between the individual and the collective, as well as the importance of individual expression in teamwork. Through the artistic technique of borrowing objects and combining them with a symbolic interpretation of anxiety and banana green, a unique visual expression is presented in the form of an experimental video.
Filetype: PDF
Size: 9.7 MB
License: Personal License