Gold Cannes Lions - Creative Data - Data Storytelling
Silver Cannes Lions - Creative Data - Use of Real time Data
Bronze Cannes Lions - Creative Data - Social Data
Bronze Cannes Lions - Media – Use of social platforms
Bronze Clio Awards - Social Media - Multiplatform Campaign
Bronze Clio Awards - Direct - Social Media
Silver Kinsale Shark Awards - Digital - Social Media
Merit The One Show Awards in Social Media - Branded Social Post / Real-Time Response
Gold London International Awards - Digital - Use of Social Media
Gold London International Awards - Digital - Media Promotion
Silver London International Awards - The New - Creative Use of Data
Bronze Eurobest - Promo & Activation - Use of Social Platforms
Bronze Eurobest - Interactive - Real-Time Response
Bronze Eurobest - Creative Data - Use of Real-time Data
Gold Cristal Awards - Digital - Media
Gold Cristal Awards - Digital - Best use of social media
Gold Cristal Awards - Promo & Activation- Media
Gold Cristal Awards - Promo& Activation - Best use of social platforms
Gold Cristal Awards - Data - Social data
Bronze Cristal Awards - Media - Best use of social media


