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Commercial Photography: Kurgo

One of the things we love most about Kurgo is their tagline: Go Together. It's genius, pure and simple and to the core of their brand message and mission: to make products that allow dogs and people to go more places together in comfort, safety and style. This shoot took place in Lake Tahoe, pretty serendipitously. Kurgo got in touch, enquiring about a lifestyle product shoot involving snow and we happened to be on our way to spend the weekend snowshoeing with friends. We all moved mountains to make it happen, Kurgo sent over product, and we lent our dogs and friends to the cause. This shoot felt nothing like work, and not only did we photograph the product, our dogs put it to the test and then some!

ART DIRECTION: Natalia Martinez, Bill Parsons and Catherine Palm

Commercial Photography: Kurgo

Commercial Photography: Kurgo

One of the things we love most about Kurgo is their tagline: Go Together. It's genius, pure and simple and to the core of their brand message and Read More


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