Lian Shen's profile

The Original Graphic Novel Series: The World(2017-2018)

The World (2017-2018)
- The trilogy graphic novel series
Lian Shen
11.00’’ x 17.00’’
Technical pen on paper, digital painting

The project The World contains three stories; His Highness, Seasons, and The Forest. Each story has a different main character.

The audience will see stories of a prince who seeks eternal life died alone; a couple who wants to be together gets separated by death; and the twin brothers who grew up as orphans betray each other under the King’s rich award.

The plots reflect my self-injury impulse. Each character inherits parts of my personality, by arranging bad endings for them, I repeatedly finished the self-harm actions mentally.
His Highness (2017)
Lian Shen
11.00’’ x 17.00’’
Technical pen on paper, digital painting

People all said the King’s firstborn son, Francis, had every thing the secular world could desire; beauty, youth, wisdom, wealth, royalty, and the crown he would inherit one day. But Prince Francis thought those what he had were nothing by dusts he borrowed from time. He refused to accept his destined death just like others would do, so he gave up his crown when he was seventeen, leaving his father’s castle as a commoner to seek a way living eternally… …​​​​​​​
His Highness (2017)
Lian Shen
11.00’’ x 17.00’’
Technical pen on paper, digital painting
Seasons (2017-2018)
Lian Shen
11.00’’ x 17.00’’
Technical pen on paper, digital painting

Ica Rubi was born with strange light red hair. People all said pink haired children couldn’t live through their childhoods.

Though Ica suffered long-term heart decease since she was born, miraculously, she grew up and became a doctor. She fell in love with Pheadrus Godino, a mechanic. They decided to build a perpetual motion machine and named the machine Custodio, which meant “the guardian.”

However, when the machine was nearly finished, the Death paid its visit to Ica. To bring Ica back to life, Phaedrus, who experimented with his blood, transformed Custodio into a non-stopped mechanical heart. He used the heart to save her, but she lost him forever. To understand the mechanical heart’s working principle, Ica stepped on her journey… …
Seasons (2017-2018)
Lian Shen
11.00’’ x 17.00’’
Technical pen on paper, digital painting
Seasons (2017-2018)
Lian Shen
11.00’’ x 17.00’’
Technical pen on paper, digital painting
The Forest (2018)
Lian Shen
11.00’’ x 17.00’’
Technical pen on paper, digital painting

Xi Chen is an art student. Xi attended a special exhibition with her friend. The exhibition titled The House of Young. The House of Young was a shortly existed dynasty in history.

In the exhibition, Xi found her interest on a family portrait of the last royal family and the mystery behind it. She tried to dig out more after she got home, and realized the truth behind the historical records might be much sorrowful than she expected.
The Forest (2018)
Lian Shen
11.00’’ x 17.00’’
Technical pen on paper, digital painting
The Original Graphic Novel Series: The World(2017-2018)

The Original Graphic Novel Series: The World(2017-2018)

The project The World contains three stories; His Highness, Seasons, and The Forest. Each story has a different main character. The audience wil Read More
