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Media Facade & Project Mapping of Sewol

< Media Facade & Project Mapping>
[세월호 추모 영상 프로젝트 맵핑]
세월호는 단원고등학교 학생들이 수학여행을 가기위해 탔던 여객선입니다.
세월호가 침몰하면서 300여명이 넘는 사망자가 발생했는데, 대부분의 사망자가 단원고 학생들이었습니다.
어른들의 부주의로 어린 학생들의 생명을 앗아간 슬픈 사건이었습니다.
저희는 이 사건을 토대로 작품을 제작하였습니다.
부끄러운 사건이지만, 우리는 우리의 작품을 통해서 사람들이 이 사건을 반성하고 기억하길 바랍니다.

The Sewol Ferry was a passenger ship, that Danwon High School students took to go on a school trip.
The sinking of the Sewol Ferry caused more than 300 deaths, 
Most of the dead were Danwon High School students.
The carelessness of adults took away young peoples lives, This was a sad thing.
This case is shameful, We want people to reflect and remember this case through our art work.
First, Student are going on a school trip by taking the sewol ferry.
Second, We show a school sinking in the sea, and we used the school to symbolize the students.
Third, We show the student rising to become the stars.
Fourth, We want express sad reality.
Last, The yellow ribbon represent of the tragedy of the case, 
we can see from this that, " We will remember innocent victims".
Media Facade & Mapping Project 2016
Digital media route, Dongseo University 3학년 2학기 '성당 맵핑 프로젝트'

Donghun Lee

Ji-hye Lee
Media Facade & Project Mapping of Sewol

Media Facade & Project Mapping of Sewol
