The graphic novel Windbell tells a story of a teenager’s legendary experience. Zi Kai was a butterflyman, he grew up in the butterfly valley which was the place of butterflyman living for generations. One day, he left the valley for exploring the outside world, but unfortunately he was caught by the Banpoman which was living on the other side of the valley… After many setbacks, Zi Kai was adopted by a beautiful and kind sister, and they became friends…...
Whether different races can be understood and giving way to each other? Are they able to live in harmony? How? That’s the questions and the tasks that I want to research through this project.
This work had been selected to participate The MOTIF Chicago Annual Art Show in November 2016.


The graphic novel Windbell tells a story of a teenager’s legendary experience. Zi Kai was a butterflyman, he grew up in the butterfly valley whic Read More
