This is concept art for the flowers of the crab apple tree.
This is concept art for the flowers of the crab apple tree.
This is concept art for the flowers of the crab apple tree.
This is a reference photo for the flowers of a crab apple tree. All reference photos were found on Google Image Search.
This is a reference photo I used mainly to judge the way branches could develop on crab apple trees. All reference photos were found on Google Image Search.
Some more reference for the crab apple tree. All reference photos were found on Google Image Search.
This reference photo pretty much solidified for me the pattern of flora I wanted for the crab apple tree. Not that dense of bloom, but still enough to look full and lively, in a way. All reference was found on Google Image Search.
This reference of Eyvind Earle's more naturalistic work was inspiration for me in terms of the character the trunk gives to ancient trees. All reference was found on Google Image Search.
Another one of Eyvind Earle's takes on trees. I used this one as a height reference for my own tree. All reference images were found on Google Image Search.
Crab Apple Tree

Crab Apple Tree

This is the final iteration of the crab apple tree I have been modeling and rendering. I built and adorned a simple environment for the tree to i Read More
