Altima Keys

In an effort to help launch the all-new Nissan Altima, we decided to hook our audience by focusing on the Altima's Intelligent Key with Push Button Ignition. We would introduce it as a feature that makes the need for keys obsolete.

Over the course of two weeks, we placed 20,000 sets of "lost keys" in select venues and events throughout New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Dallas, Miami, Washington D.C., and Atlanta. The idea banked on the public's good nature to want to return what appeared to be a set of lost car keys to their rightful owners. A mock gas card doubled as a reward with instructions leading the finders to our microsite where they could learn more about the new Altima and claim their reward of either a $15.00 gas card or a free subscription to a magazine.

Results: Altima Keys received a 76 percent participation rate, and generated approximately 78,010,170 impressions, a first for Nissan. The stunt went on to win a silver Effie award.
Altima Keys

Altima Keys

