Dark Academia
Welcome, folks! I’m thrilled to greet you in our awesome interior, where darkness meets a style that will blow you away! Each detail here brings its own unique atmosphere to the space.
At the entrance, you’ll find two comfy green poufs and a sleek glass cube filled with plants, defining the entryway and adding a special vibe to it.
In the kitchen, there’s a large marble kitchen island illuminated by soft lighting, creating a cozy and comfortable atmosphere. There’s also a spot for a small green oasis, adding a touch of vitality to the space.

And our large and comfy sofa, placed in the relaxation area, invites you to truly unwind.
You’ll be charmed by the designer light in the dining area, resembling hanging vines, complementing the overall interior style and creating a unique atmosphere.
Allow me to tell you the story of the „Master Bedroom“ from our „Dark Academia“ project. It’s a special space where each day begins with a magical ritual and ends with fun and relaxation.
In the morning, as you rise from your bed, you feel the warmth of the heated ceramic tile floor, already at a comfortable temperature. Slowly, you make your way to the bathroom, preparing for the day ahead, and every corner embraces you with its unique atmosphere.
The sink, crafted from natural stone, gives the impression of growing seamlessly from the floor, while sleek cabinets and mirrors with backlighting add allure to the space. The lighting, illuminating the accent wall, creates a picturesque effect, accentuating its texture.


