MD Modascher Hossain's profile

linkedin lead generation and targeted leads

linkedin lead generation and targeted leads
If you're in need of potential B2B lead or LinkedIn lead for a successful cold email campaign, you've come to the right place. I'm dedicated to generating valid and verified leads tailored to your specific requirements.

You Will get:

1. Full Name
2. Job Title
3. E-mail 
4. Phone Number
5. Company name
6. Website URL
7. Address
8. LinkedIn URL
9. Mailing Address 
10. Company Size (If required)
11. Industry Type (If required)

I need the following information to get started:

·        Targeted Industry
·        Targeted Location
·        Targeted Employees

I use various resources such as LinkedIn Sales Navigator, Yelp, Zoom info, Name2Email, Kendo, Apollo, Rocket Reach, Around Deal and many more to generate highly qualified lead. I will arrange data in CSV, Excel, or Text files by name, category, etc.

Note: For a clear understanding of Lead, Please send me a text.
linkedin lead generation and targeted leads


linkedin lead generation and targeted leads


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