El-Nasser Salah El-din El-Ayyubi "Decor Simulation"

El-Nasser Salah El-din El-Ayyubi Movie (Scenes Decor Simulation)
"محاكاة الديكور الداخلي "فيلم الناصر صلاح الدين الأيوبي
Re-design of Cinematic decoration "فيلم الناصر صلاح الدين الأيوبي - Al-Nasser Salah al-Din al-Ayoubi movie"
The current events of the film were simulated in the décor and interior design of the events of the Crusaders’ occupation of Jerusalem and the humiliation of Muslims and the most horrific crimes against them
Year: 2023-2024
تبدأ قصتنا بلا معني للإنسانية "مقارنة غير عادلة بين الدخلاء وأصحاب العزة والكرامة والحق" فبعد تحول أرضنا المقدسة  الخضراء إلي🔻 بحيرات حمراء، وهدم حياه الشرفاء، وتخلي الكثير من الأمراء، للأحداث الجارية بأرضنا المقدسة المُحتلة، بعد افتعال اسوأ ما يمكن أن يخطر ببال البشر ضد المسلمين المدافعين عن أرضهم، وغزو حقوقهم وأعراضهم من قِبل شيطان أخرس يهاب من انتفاضة المسلمين الجادة القاضية على آماله الملعونة....... 
قصتنا لم تنتهي بعد.. وأقصانا اليوم في انتظار فارسه الأيوبي
🔻Our story begins with no meaning to humanity, “an unfair comparison between intruders and those with pride, dignity, and truth.” After our green sacred land turned into red lakes, the lives of honorable people were destroyed, and many princes abandoned, to the events taking place in our occupied holy land, after the worst that could come to human mind was created against Muslims defending their land, and the invasion of their rights and honor by a mute devil who fears a serious Muslim uprising that destroys his cursed hopes.......
Our story is not over yet.. and today we are waiting for his Ayyubid knight

Video & Animation
Introduction & Studies
Al-Aqsa Mosque and pilgrims
Hossam El-Din's room
Conquest of Akko
Trial of the Crusaders VS Trial of Muslims
Trial of the Crusaders
Trial of Muslims
Trial of the Crusaders VS Trial of Muslims
El-Nasser Salah El-din El-Ayyubi "Decor Simulation"