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This recognition allows them to break out and succeed

Opening methods to keep your audience
This recognition allows them to break out and succeed.
People who can break out from the ordinary must be "people with distinctive personalities."
Only by expressing our unique style and personality can HE Tuber we break out from the ordinary and become those individuals who are remembered and loved.
The beautiful ones have their own characteristics, the "ugly" ones have their styles, their personalities are conflicting, and their behaviors are controversial... These can become distinctive personalities that allow the public to participate in interaction and sharing.
Cute, funny, ugly, conflicting topics, contradictory emotions, and strong emotions are all better ways to interact and share with the public.
4. Become a blogger in your comfort zone
For most people, being a self-media blogger is a hard job.
Scratching my head thinking about choosing a topic
Breaking the keyboard to write copy
Work hard to get traffic
Work hard to make a hit
After one operation, I was exhausted and my enthusiasm faded.
The reason why it is so hard is because you are always challenging your comfort zone and you are going against yourself.
There is nothing wrong with breaking through your comfort zone to make yourself better, but as a self-media blogger, you really have to put yourself in your comfort zone.
Why is it that no one reads carefully prepared content, but just posting it casually can make people famous?
It is because in your comfort zone, you have no psychological burden and do not feel that this is a job or task. Your feelings, demeanor, and emotions are more natural and down-to-earth. Only by being calm and authentic can you create content that the public likes.
Your perspective is also different. You are thinking about problems and creating content from the position of a user.
Sometimes we make mistakes when we think too much. We worry about this and that, and always want to deliver the best and most valuable content to the public.
In fact, most people don't buy it. For them, it just makes me feel comfortable, makes me smile, and is consistent with my three views.
Don't think about satisfying everyone, just make a small number of people recognize you.
Your content is a funnel, filtering out those who don’t agree with you and leaving only those who like you. This is enough to make you the one who breaks through.
Author: Qie Xingzhou, public account: Qie Xingzhou
This article was originally published by @和行zhou on Everyone is a product manager. Reprinting without the author's permission is prohibited.
The title picture comes from Unsplash and is based on the CC0 license.
The opinions in this article represent only the author's own. The Renren Product Manager platform only provides information storage space services.
This recognition allows them to break out and succeed

This recognition allows them to break out and succeed
