Anna Kronik's profile

Northen landscapes

​​​​​​​I'm in love with northern nature, ancient legends and cozy houses lost among mountain grasses. One day I wanted to paint the beauty of the Scandinavian land and convey the atmosphere of mysterious ancient magic woven into nature itself. In 2018, I created my first self-published calendar with illustrations of northern landscapes. These paintings were not originally conceived as a single project, so here I want to show them separately from the calendar format, as a series of landscapes linked together by northern beauty.
I draw in a technique called oil graphics, using an etching needle and oil paints on paper. With big brushes I'm able to create this magical texture, similar to nature, which makes these landscapes especially deep and alive.
A3 size paintings will look beautiful in the interior. I want to give these landscapes a new life, so the originals can be bought in my store 
Northen landscapes


Northen landscapes
