Marnin Levi's profile

Line and Spot Project - Zohar Argov

Line and Spot Project - Zohar Argov
During this project we had to choose a famous one and create two works - one consisting of a line and one consisting of a spot. I chose the singer Zohar Argov.
Zohar Argov is renowned for his soulful and emotional singing style, which captivated audiences in Israel and beyond. He played a significant role in popularizing Mizrahi music, which is a genre that draws inspiration from the musical traditions of Jewish communities in the Middle East and North Africa. His music often explored themes of love, longing, and personal experiences.

Not a mockup.
Made for a project at Studio 6b.
Some works displayed on this site may contain copyrighted material and used for educational purposes during studies at "studio 6b" as 'fair use' and non profitable purposes.
Line and Spot Project - Zohar Argov

Line and Spot Project - Zohar Argov
