
We are excited to present the visual identity of "Hell blau", an online
 store offering painted bags, apparel and more. Our team started by 
holding two briefing sessions to review the business model, core values,
 nature, vision and mission of the brand.

Brand core values:

Considering that the main activity of this brand is on Instagram, the client
 wanted to instill confidence in his audience by having a logo and printing it
on his products.

Creating logo motion:

While designing these bags, they first draw the lines of their design 
and then paint the inside. So I have designed a motion logo to
 visually represent this process.

Check the logo:

During the logo exploration phase, we did some research to find
 the right shape for "Hell blau". Our main keywords were "tote bag",
 "letter H" and "minimalism". We explored several options, including 
using a tat bag as a logo. However, since they were planning to expand
 their business further, using the tote bag element was not a good idea.
 Therefore, we decided to go with a simple yet beautiful logotype that 
can be seen in the small space of the Instagram profile called 
"Hellblau" in serif typography.

Suitable spaces:

The Hellblau logo is designed to be versatile and work in different
 spaces. We have provided a horizontal, vertical and favicon
 version of the logo to accommodate different aspect ratios and
 different shapes of white space.
Optical Corrections:
To maintain the uniform appearance of the Hellblau logo on both
 light and dark backgrounds, we performed an optical correction on
 the white version of the logo. The weight of the logotype in the white 
version is 4.6% less than the regular version to have the same
 appearance as the regular version.


The brand has a feminine yet powerful personality that we needed
 to show elegance and strength at the same time.serif typography
 and its simplification are intended to represent minimalism, reliability
 and sophistication of the brand.
We wish you success with your brand!

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Thank you for visiting.
Hellblau Branding


Hellblau Branding
