'Lunaris' is a crypto-acoustic generative set exploring the visualisation of sound through processing frequencies, with the idea to develop radial images in 4k based on a single song per day for a month (31 songs total), observing how various genres would compare in shape and style.
Although these images were actually the by-product of R&D whilst brute forcing a batch-process sonification workflow - and this is by no means a final conclusion - I still thought the WIP results looked pretty cool and worth sharing.
I think my favourite was Decapitated's 'Spheres Of Madness' for it's uniformity - caused by consistent double-bass kicks and very apt song title.
An extension of the concept was to have a collectable visual library of song cards to compliment their audio counterparts.



'Lunaris' is a cryptoacoustic generative set exploring the visualisation of sound through processing frequencies, with the idea to develop radial Read More
