Let's Get Physical

Let's Get Physical
Semiotics Flash Cards

Samantha Marielle Lampano, Sarah Fongosa-Waite, 
Jenna Cianfarani, Trang Michelle Nguyen, Ria Saraiya

Design Rationale
For our semiotic card project we chose to do the theme of dating. This theme is relevant because it was impacted due to covid. During covid many physical activities didn’t exist such as dates, hanging out, engagements, and overall spending time face to face with someone and getting to know them. During covid the world turned to the internet to be able to communicate and there was more of a desire for dating and love. For this project we took a creative approach and came up with the best symbols, index and icons to best represent both the theme and the transition from covid. Our approach is very stylistic, we all decided on a very vibrant and very cartoon like look since we thought it would be more playful and cater to dating better than something more serious.
Symbolic and Iconic by Jenna Cianfarani
Metaphor and Relay by Trang Michelle Nguyen
Indexical and Irony by Sarah Fongosa-Waite
Myth and Ideology by Samantha Marielle Lampano
Binary and Anchorage by Ria Saraiya
Let's Get Physical