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Kantha Stitch tussar silk saree

Silk saree in Kantha Stitch tussar from Kolkata
Bolpur in West Bengal's Birbhum district is where the needlework technique known as "Kantha Stitch tussar silk saree'' first appeared. This needlework was formerly only found on quilts, but it is now widely utilised on sarees, dupattas, kurtas, and even home decor like bed covers and pillows.

In Bengali, "Kantha Stitch tussar silk saree" refers to an embroidered quilt. Women in rural Bengal used to make quilts out of recycled sarees and dhotis by layering 3–4 old sarees or dhotis and using coloured threads from one of the sarees' borders to stitch the layers together while embroidering patterns on them.
The resulting blankets were perfect for swaddling newborn infants during the winter since they were light, cosy, and simple to launder.

Kanti sarees
Most sarees with Kantha Stitch tussar silk saree embroidery are composed of cotton, tussar silk, or pure silk. Despite the fact that these sarees are now produced on a large scale for the retail market by a number of parties, including fabric wholesalers, qualified designers, and merchandisers, the embroidery is still carried out by the rural craftswomen of Bolpur, who have been practising their craft for many centuries.

One of the most well-known hand-crafted Kantha Stitch tussar silk saree from Bengal is the kantha stitch. The pure silk and tussar silk saree display a great deal of artistic talent. The entire saree's design is handwoven, and its creation might take anywhere between one week and one month.
Kantha Stitch tussar silk saree


Kantha Stitch tussar silk saree
