Selo Comemorativo 145 Anos EBA - UFBA I Logo

1° Place
In the 145th anniversary stamp contest of the School of Fine Arts of the Federal University of Bahia


Pulcrum Perennial Tantum ("Only the eternal is beautiful"). The motto of the School of Fine Arts from UFBA, establishes as a guiding thread ad infinitum the temporal dimension in which the School is located, and what it represents, this being the dimension in which, between the intertwining of past, present and future, EBA - UFBA meets. It is among these temporal entanglements that, from one hundred and forty-fifth year of (r)existence, one seeks to honor beauty and eternity. Starting from not only one of the most striking founding elements of the EBA's architectural structure, but also one of the best symbols that represent the possibility of looking at the past and the future, we used the window as a central icon in the construction of the 145th anniversary stamp.

Seeking to simplify the seal, following the trend of modernization, however, preserving the conceptual principles of the traditional emblem as well as relevant additions from previous seals (the addition of a fourth shield representing the 4 courses of the EBA), the form was elaborated from two icons representing the windows of the EBA where, at the intersection of both, as a symbolic representation of the past and the future, the central elements of heraldry are placed, seeking to represent this meeting place in which the EBA is located between these, in the present, crossed by past and future.

"Foundation date of the EBA"

Projeto de Identidade Visual para fins acadêmicos e sem geração de lucros.
Por: Norton Cardoso, Rafaela Feliciano e Rafael Moreno.

Selo Comemorativo 145 Anos EBA - UFBA I Logo

Selo Comemorativo 145 Anos EBA - UFBA I Logo
