Nacho Carretero Molero's profile

PHOTO | Portraits #ShotOniPhone

Portraits #ShotOniPhone
Until I bought my first DSRL, the SONY a6000, my iPhone has been the only camera I've used to take photos. Even though my photography has always had a primarily architectural focus, I love to shoot the occasional portrait here and there, specially since I got my hands on an iPhone with Portrait mode. 

With enough light you can achieve results that come quite close to a DSLR

As the iPhone's camera got better, I've enjoyed pushing its low light capabilities to the limit. All of these below were taken with my iPhone XS Max:

Children, don't try this at home. Pointing your iPhone's camera to a laser will almost certainly kill a big number of pixels. I had to have my camera module replaced after taking these:

Finally, even though the iPhone's portrait mode is a software tool that was created to be used with people (as it uses AI to detect a persona and then digitally separates the subject from the background) you'd be surprised by the results you can achieve with things too:

Follow my photography work on Instagram @carreteromolero 

PHOTO | Portraits #ShotOniPhone

PHOTO | Portraits #ShotOniPhone
