Jonathan Chou's profile

ESG Investing Understood

Experienced CFO Jonathan Chou serves on the board of Emerging Markets Investors Alliance, a nonprofit that enables institutional emerging market investors to support good governance and promote sustainable development. In addition, Jonathan Chou counts ESG investment among his various areas of professional interest.

Short for environmental, social, and governance, ESG is a method of responsible investing that has gained considerable traction in recent months and years. True to its name, ESG involves calculating the environmental and societal impact of each investment made. ESG analysts also pay strict attention to the ways in which companies in the investment portfolio operate, favoring companies with corporate governance that aligns with market success. Of course, ESG analysts must also closely consider traditional financials to ensure that investments will grow in value.

A shared vision between company shareholders and company management is absolutely essential to successful ESG investing. According to a recent poll by the global network of business consultancies PwC, 29 percent of business leaders think that shareholders focus too much on corporate social responsibly and environmental issues, and boardrooms will be tasked with bringing the two sides together.
ESG Investing Understood

ESG Investing Understood


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