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Character Design: Lily

Another character design for my goth comic/children's book, Lily here is based off a shirt design I had previously made of a woman with a red skull mask. The idea behind her is she's an eight-year-old girl who doesn't mind getting dirty or getting into trouble. Her rain boots are inspired by my own daughter, who loves to wear her rain boots all the time, rain or shine.

One of the challenges with this design was how her face would translate at various angles. To get ahead of the game (I have plans, you see), I thought of it in 3-D and translated it back into 2-D to avoid the weirdness you see with something like the Peanuts gang, who was translated to 3-D awkwardly because, well, that wasn't really a consideration back when they were created. So with that in mind you'll notice she has the outline of her "normal" side around her skull side. With the negative area of the "normal" side black, which gives her some added fun creepyness as well as a slight Dia de los Muertos vibe.

I also had to consider how her skull side conveys emotion. I decided to work this out with an angry expression because I figured that would be the most difficult. Turns out it wasn't so hard. 

Something to address because you're probably wondering about it: Yes, her teeth are two different colors. Why? Well, it's a cartoon and she doesn't have to abide by your mortal anatomical laws. I could also go into some deep psychological meaning behind it, but that's being saved for my eventual TED Talk.
Character Design: Lily


Character Design: Lily


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