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Chain Clash crypto game design

Chain Clash game interface design

ChainClash is a free-to-play character buildup game on a blockchain. The game engages competitive battles with rival blockchain fans and groups. Players can collect and train a variety of avatar fighters and join forces with like-minded people to form crypto clans.

Some of the game’s features include animated characters, in-game asset exchanges, and a variety of quests, missions, and events.The game has over 400 different characters. Each player can choose their own, and build a squad of customizable heroes. Each character has unique moves and attacks, with the majority of fights taking place on the multiplayer mode.
Player profile

User research resulted in the early-adopter player profile with experience in PC gaming. The person also is following the development of the crypto assets world.

Player photo:

Collage of modern PC game interfaces. The visual study touches the visual relations, color definitions, and game semantics.

Current gaming is focused on an immersive experience with reach graphical details. Dedicated mobile and tablet apps, consoles, and PC games extensively using hardware to enrich the visual language. The disadvantage of the in-browser mobile-first game is limited resources.
Design directions

Neo stream is a cybernetic society mood taking inspiration from Ghost in the Shall aesthetics. Takes the player to pure digital expression with slight glitches and reach artifacts.

Deep sweetness - a phenomenon of modern society taking the player to a new world of Blockchain games. The scenery is similar to the friendly environment of the Monument game, yet with a new imaginative perspective, ready to play for all genders.
Slightly floating, in a cloud feeling of dreamy society taking inspiration from a cloudy morning. The scenery takes the player to a clean environment with sharp shining lights and soft transitions.
Distilled option

The preferred design language is evolving from the Neo stream and takes a number of elements from other visual resources.
Design evolution

A number of variations considered for each screen ranging from layout to colors and shape definitions. The process considered every single detail including the production of the assets like iconography and 3D graphics for consumable items. In the overall interface design, we had to consider predefined character designs and generative video renders.
Final design

Check the InVision prototype.
Chain Clash crypto game design


Chain Clash crypto game design
